Redefining the Single Family Office 

For families of significance, Single-Family Offices (SFOs) represent the preferred solution for managing their wealth and affairs. The problem is SFOs can be challenging, time consuming, and expensive to set-up, operate, and manage with excellence.

We created QP Global to be a compelling alternative, delivering the benefits of control, accountability, independent judgement, and customization while eliminating the complexity and challenges.

What We Do

  • Advise

    As a family’s chief advisor, we are the first call and go-to resource for any significant decisions about the family’s wealth and affairs. With a deep and holistic understanding of a family’s total picture, we provide well-reasoned, independent, more informed advice based on our experienced judgment.

  • Invest

    We are a family’s private investment office, looking after the family’s entire balance sheet and financial picture. Our investment philosophy is based on capital preservation and taking advantage of the significant opportunities afforded single-family office investors while our independence and curated investment sourcing network generates highly differentiated investments and outcomes.

  • Orchestrate

    As principal representative, we sit between families and the rest of their financial ecosystem. We design and institute well defined family office processes that facilitate improved operations and outcomes. And we collaborate with and oversee a family’s other advisors, resulting in a higher level of accountability and powerful holistic advice and integrated solutions.

  • Simplify

    QP Global takes the challenge and complexity out of managing your single-family office. We design and build a robust, bespoke family office structure on our world class shared infrastructure platform. We handle all the management of your family office, everything from personnel, operations, and reporting to best in class technology stacks and coordinating all service providers, allowing families to focus on what truly matters.

Discover more about QP

At QP Global, our unique business model is intentionally designed to maximize benefits for our families.